LeBron James & Michael Jordan Greeted Tetzlaff Family at Galaxy Stores

(Naperville, Illinois) It was a typical Friday after work purchase, but this afternoon what Robert took home from Galaxy Stores was anything but typical. Over dinner, Ryan kept looking over to the family room table where a stack of 2003-04 SP Basketball boxes were neatly placed. This father-son’s Friday night ritual has been carried out since Ryan was 5 years old. Now he is 13, and his interest has expanded to include Baseball, Travel Soccer and his latest passion --- Motocross which he took 2nd place in a recent Northern Illinois competition. But collecting sports cards is still his favorite of all the family activities and this Friday night turned out to be the most memorable of all time. On the 4th box they opened, a LeBron James’s Authentic Patch card, #32/50, emerged. And the next box, a Carmelo Anthony’s Rookie Autograph card, #421/500, slipped into Ryan’s shivering hands. Before Ryan could recover from the excitement, from the same box, a Michael Jordan (in Bulls uniform) and LeBron James Dual Autograph card became part of the crown jewel of the Tetzlaff family’s collections.
Cheering and shouting nearly started an impromptu neighborhood party. News traveled at the lightening speed that it made the ESPN Radio Talk Show on 7am the next morning!! Neither Ryan nor Robert heard it though, because they did not get much sleep that night. But who can sleep when you are in the company of Michael, LeBron, and Carmelo!
Mom carefully recorded in the family journal that on March 27, 2004 there were 2 holes in the ceiling made by a certain father and son duo. The repair bill was gladly waived by the carpenter in exchange for a peek at these rare finds.