Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament Dates for Sugar Grove, January through April, 2013 is as follow:

Jan 4r,11r,18 p
Feb 1r,8r,15p
Msrch r1,8r,15r 29p
April 5r,12r,19p
r=regular tournament
p= pack tournament

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The 1st Yu-Gi-Oh Sneak Peek of Cosmo Blazer is set for 10 am on  Saturday, 1/19/13, at Galaxy in Naperville and 4 pm in Sugar Grove.

In addition to the (5) Cosmo Blazer booster packs and a bonus promo card for $20, we'll raffle out many FREE specially made playmats!

We'll also run sanctioned tournament or casual play as you want. All for a day of fun and game at Galaxy!!

Don’t miss your chance to get those new cards early. Please call us at 630-637-0187 for more details.

More about the newest Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek provided by Konami as follow:

The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME introduces its next 100-card core booster set, Cosmo Blazer. Here's your first chance to get your hands on the brand new Cosmo Blazer booster packs - before they’re available in most stores!

Released from their celestial prisons after millennia of penance, the Brotherhood of the Fire Fist walks the Earth once more, to cleanse the world of evil with the very fires of the heavens! Ignite the fires of YOUR destiny with Cosmo Blazer.

Participating stores will be randomly handing out exclusive Cosmo Blazer Game Mats at the Sneak Peek. Plus, everybody will receive a limited edition, Ultra Rare Noble Arms- Caliburn card, and a Cosmo Blazer mini-poster while supplies last! Supplies are limited, so show up early and don’t get left out!

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